A top California marijuana official says that the U.S. already has an established interstate cannabis market. It’s just been unregulated, forcing cultivators to make the choice between staying legal—but isolating products from each operation to one state—or engaging in illicit activity by selling across state lines.
But now that three states have enacted legislation positioning them to authorize marijuana imports and exports, the conversation about the future of cannabis commerce is evolving, with stakeholders, advocates and regulators becoming increasingly mindful about the opportunities that would be created by a borderless industry.
The Alliance for Sensible Markets hosted a webinar on Wednesday at which a California cannabis regulator, a former Washington, D.C. regulator and an attorney discussed the problems with the siloed status quo of state marijuana markets and efforts to enact legislative and administrative reform.
Read the complete article at: https://www.marijuanamoment.net/regulators-and-advocates-discuss-next-steps-for-marijuana-interstate-commerce/